At 26, we have the view of the rustic arch and Cupid, shown in fig. 57.; and, at 27, the tent seen in fig. 56. is frequently pitched in the summer time, which gives the idea of the warm season, and of the enjoyment of coolness and refreshing breezes in the midst of intense sunshine. At 28, there is a bed of Rosa indica, in the centre of which is a large plant of Yucca gloriosa; and, proceeding across the lawn to 29, we have the view fig, 59.; and, at 30, we have the fountain, surrounded by baskets of flowers, with the two garden nymphs fig. 62. We shall now suppose that the spectator walks across the lawn, and, passing the span-roofed green-house, enters the court of offices by the door at 30. In this court which forms a part of fig. 42., and which we here repeat (fig. 58.), he finds, - A large pit for plants. A small pit. Dung-pit for the stable. Rubbish-pit, and rot-heap for the garden. Pit for heaths. Green-house. Dry stove. Shed for flower-pots. Rubbish-shed. 40, Four-stalled stable, with haybin at the farther end. Coach-houses, harness-room, and sleeping-room for coachman. Place for plants in pots that have done flowering. Carriage entrance from lane. The kitchen-garden, the gardener's house, the stove, and the poultry-houses, grass fields, and cow-shed, are situated on the other side of the lane, and at the distance of 100 yards from it. These are shown in the plan fig. 61., which is accompanied by an explanation of the references.