I. CATALOGUE OF THE TREES AND SHRUBS. THE numbers which precede the names in this catalogue are those which precede the names on the brick tallies (fig. 51.), and their object is to facilitate the discovery of any species or variety which it may be wished to examine. The place of any plant in the Arboretum may be readily found by looking to the place of the nearest number in the ground plan, which forms the engraving fig. 52. For example, if it is desired to find the plant marked No. 26., find Nos. 20. and 30. on the plan, and No. 26. will be found between them in the grounds. The numbers and names, which commence with the plants of Ranunculaceï¾µ, begin at the right hand on entering the garden, are continued round it, and end with No. 802. on the left hand. Several plants have numbers followed by letters, as 16a., 16b., 16c., &c.; these merely show additions that were made after the first numeration was completed. These additions were made, partly because some plants were added which were at first thought too tender, and partly because some were obtained from the Horticultural Society's Garden, which it was thought could not be procured. On the cards contained on the brick tallies (fig. 51.), the native country, year of introduction, and height of the plant in its native country, are always given, as in fig. 53., and therefore these are not repeated in this enumeration. An enlarged catalogue, containing descriptive or historical notices of all the remarkable species, is printed as a pamphlet of five or six sheets, and sold by the curator of the Arboretum; and in the public room of the curator's lodge a copy of the Arboretum Britannicum is kept for the use of gardeners and botanists who may wish to refer to it. The prices of the species, with a few exceptions, will be found in the list given in p. 73. The supplementary species added since the list was first made out, and which have letters after the numbers, amount to 111, which makes the total number of species and varieties contained in the Arboretum 913; or, with the addition of the 100 sorts of roses planted in the belt, 1013.