In Mr. Pontey's town nursery there is a pear orchard, consisting of an extensive collection of trees grafted on quince stocks, and trained pyramidally. Mr. Pontey informs us that he found only about a dozen kinds of pears that would grow well on quinces when grafted direct on that stock, but that he accomplished his object by first grafting a sort that took freely, and then grafting the plant so produced with any other sort that would not grow on the quince. In this way, by great labour during a number of years, he has got most of the following kinds to grow vigorously and bear abundantly:- List of Pears on Quince Stocks grown in the pyramidal Form, 4.5 ft. apart, and now (1842) 7 ft. high, in Mr. Pontey's Plymouth Nursery. Ambrosia, Ananas d'E'te (d'Hiver), Belle de Jersey, Belmont, Bequene musque, Bergamot, Autumn (York, Summer, Wormsley, Hollande, Royal, Gansell's), Boyle Farm Wilding, Buchanan's new or Spring Beurre, Bergamotte Cadette, Beurre de Ranz (Easter, Brown, d'Amalis, de Capiaumont, Diel, D'Argenson, Du Roi, D'Aremberg, Remain, Spence), Bezi d'Heri (de la Motte, Vaet), Bishop's Thumb, Bon Chretien Musque d'Automne (Winter, d'Espagne, Fondant, Summer), Caillot Rosat, Crassane, Winter (Knight's, Althorp), Cadillac, Colmar d'Auch (Passe), Citron des Carmes panache, Chaumontel (New London), Comte de Lamy, Calebasse, Crown, Doyenne Gris, (Blanc), Duchesse d'Angouleme, Due de Berri, Double de Guerre, Dunmore, Delices d'Hiver, Eastnor Castle, Elton, E'pine d'E'te, Excellent d'Espagne, Figue de Naples, Flemish Beauty, Forelle, Franc-Real d'Hiver (d'E'te), Grande Bretagne doree, Glout Morceau, Green Pear of Yair, Gracioli, Hacon's Incomparable, Hessel, Henri Quatre, Jargonelle, Josephine, Knivett's Seedling, Louise Bonne (of Jersey), Marie Louise, Monarch, Napoleon, Nelis d'Hiver, Ne plus Meuris, Orange d'Hiver, Rouse Lench, Royale d'Hiver, Rousselet de Rheims, Saint Germain, Sucre Vert, Swan's Egg (Old, New), Thompson's, Urbaniste, Vallee Franche, Van Mons Leon le Clerc, Whitfield, Williams's Melting. To the above will be added, next year, the undermentioned sorts, now growing in the other quarters of the nursery on pear stocks, with a great variety of others not mentioned here: - Bergamot (Searle's), Downton, Beaudelet, Bergamot (March), Echasserie, Ramilies, Ormskirk Bergamot, Poirre Niel, Gendeseim, Poire Anglaise, Chaptal, Bon Chretien de Vernoi.