Large Trees at Nettlecombe. The following dimensions were kindly taken for us by Mr. Babbage. "The park-wood, and the grove of forty acres, contain 1,060 oak trees, varying in length to the fork from 30 ft. to 70 ft., besides which there are many fine elms, Spanish chestnuts, and beech trees of great length and girt. Many trees contain from 80 to 150 cubic feet of timber, and a few trees more than 200 cubic feet above the fork. "A Cedar of Lebanon growing at Nettlecombe Court, and about forty years from the seed, was planted in its present situation thirty-five or thirty-six years ago. It now (Sept. 4. 1842), at 3 ft. from the ground, measures 9 ft. 8 in. in circumference; and at 10 ft. from the ground it is 9 ft. 1 in. in circumference. The extreme height of the tree is 40 ft. The branches extend round from the trunk 30 ft. The trunk (exclusive of branches) contains 110 cubic feet of timber.