The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Northern England and Southern Scotland in 1841

Railway stations

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THAT part of our tour which embraces our route from London to Crosslee Cottage having been given in the Gardener's Gazette from the 31st of July to the 30th of October, and our intention being to make on Crosslee Cottage a separate article, we shall at once pass on to Glasgow, where we arrived on the 26th of July. Previously, however, we must make one remark on. The Buildings at the Railway Stations. - We have before (Gardener's Magazine for 1839, p. 436.) signified our admiration of the expression of purpose in the bridges and other buildings connected with the railways, and of the freedom from prejudice evinced by the engineers in deviating from established forms, when it became necessary for the purposes of strength or economy. What we now wish to remark is, that we think this expression of purpose, as it may be called, should have been more obvious on the station houses. For example, instead of having the name of the station painted, sometimes on one part of the structure, and sometimes on another, we would have it sculptured on a conspicuous part of the front, especially designed, and peculiarly characterised, for that purpose; and we would have the name itself in sunk or in raised letters, coloured, if it should be thought necessary, but, at all events, formed either by sinking or in relief.