The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Northern England and Southern Scotland in 1841


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Deanston; -Smith, Esq. This gentleman not being in the country was to us a great disappointment. We saw through the works, which are executed in the most substantial manner, and liberally couducted with a view to the good of all concerned. Even the workmen are spared the degradation of paying the rent of their cottages weekly, which is the case in other parts of Scotland, and in various parts of England. There is a room containing 300 looms; it is 45 yards broad, 68 yards long, lighted by 24 skylights. The looms and all the other works are driven by an overshot water-wheel 36 ft. in diameter, and equal to a power of 360 horses. The flat roof of the room is covered with grass, and either was, or is intended to be, grazed by sheep.