The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Northern England and Southern Scotland in 1841

Border Peasantry

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When will it be felt that there is no security for property like the affection of those whose labour is our wealth? "Oftentimes when I see ornamental lodges, and pretty dairies, like fairy bowers, in a cool and sequestered corner of the park; and gardener's houses, decorated without and full of accommodation within; and dog-kennels, which may be called canine palaces; and stables, like sacred temples, so totally free from every pollution, that you would suppose it profanation to suffer a particle of filth to remain one moment on the pavement; often when I see these things do I indulge the ardent hope, that the time will come, when the peasantry on a property will have as much taste and forethought expended on them, and that snug cots and happy-looking inmates will be considered the chief ornaments of an estate." (The Peasantry of the Border, &c., p. 37.)