Wakerill's Nursery, Maidenhead. - This nursery has only been lately established; and Mr. Wakerill is taking the most effectual means of insuring success, viz., that of procuring all the newest hardy plants from the Epsom and other nurseries about London, and propagating them with rapidity. He has a Wistaria Consequana in the corner of a frame containing hot dung, and by training the shoots, as they grow, concentrically round the frame, placing every alternate bud over a pot of earth, he raises half as many plants as he has buds in one summer. We never saw anything of the kind more cleverly done. Last year Mr. Wakerill sold 50 plants to the trade, from this two-light hot-bed, independently of what he sold to his private customers, and kept. He is propagating Ribes sanguineum with equal facility, from cuttings of the young wood. This nursery was in very high order, and altogether we were exceedingly gratified with it, and with the conversation of Mr. Wakerill.