There are other parts of the adjoining grounds laid out in flower-beds, with a magnolia wall, and a walk by a sunk fence with a rhododendron border; but these details are not so connected as to form an impressive whole. In short, there is an utter want of unity of design in the garden scenery as well as in the house. There is, however, one thing, which it would be the greatest injustice to Mr. Burns not to bring forward in a prominent manner, viz., the excellence of the culture, and the good order in which everything is kept. The place abounds in hybrid rhododendrons and azaleas; and the flower-beds are filled with choice plants, most beautifully in bloom. We have noted down numerous fine specimens, but fear we should fatigue our readers by giving their names and dimensions, and, what is of far more consequence, the very few years that they have been planted. We must, however, notice an azalea, forming a bush 15 yards in circumference; and a kalmia, nearly as large, and 6 ft. high. Magnolia grandiflora and M. conspicua make shoots here from 18 in. to 3 ft. long every year. The magnolia wall will probably soon be the finest thing of the kind in England, not even excepting that at White Knights. There is a fine Cunninghamia here, between 14 ft. and 15 ft. high; perfectly hardy, and very handsome. There is a large Magnolia glauca, raised from seed ripened at Wasing House, Berkshire; an oak-leaved Hydrangea, remarkably large; several camellias, both as standards and trained against a wall, growing freely and flowering beautifully; an Eriobotrya and Photinia, high, bushy, and vigorous; with a remarkably large and handsome variety of tree lupine, which we should wish to see in the nurseries; in which opinion we are sure we shall be seconded by so generous and liberal-minded a man as Mr. Burns. In short, in the culture of the garden, and in the execution of the carpentry and masonry of the house, there is scarcely any thing but what is deserving of the highest commendation. The inlaid floors are by Mr. White, whose plan is described and figured in our Encyc. of Cottage Arch., ᄎ 2010.; and the masonry and carving in stone are by a local mason of great talents, whose name we regret we have not taken down.