All the farm lands on this estate are held at will, at very low rents, and without any restrictions as to cropping; but they have, with scarcely any exceptions, been in the same families for generations. The land is good, and, for the county, well cultivated; and the farmers, with scarcely a single exception, are rich. The farm houses were formerly situated in the villages; but they have been removed and rebuilt by Mr. Iveson, in situations central to the lands, and on improved plans. The hedges and roads have also been altered and improved throughout the whole estate; and the hedges are managed in the Northumberland manner, so admirably, that the boundaries of the estate may be discovered by them. We recognised the change at once in coming along the Bath road from Hungerford. In the home farm, admirably managed by Mr. Unthank from the county of Durham, the Berwickshire system of growing turnips on raised drills is exhibited, and it has been already followed by some of the tenants. Mr. Unthank has also got a Finlayson's harrow, an implement calculated to save an immense deal of labour in this as well as in most other parts of the country. The farmyard here is good; as is also that for poultry. The pigeon-house, built in a circular form, and entirely of brick, with the cells in the walls, formed by courses on edge, alternating with others flat, proper openings being left, and projecting bricks for the birds to perch on being introduced, is a model of beauty. Mr. Unthank's house, the carpenter's house, and the poultry-man's house, form a line of detached villas, which, if near London, would be considered as fit for respectable merchants or private gentlemen. Mr. Iveson's house is a villa on a larger scale, with a very handsome lawn, tastefully varied and decorated by Mr. Iveson himself. It is on the margin of the park; and, by concealing the separating fence, it might be made to appropriate, as its own, a considerable breadth of the park scenery. - So much for the extent of this estate, and its general management: we shall now turn to the park, and the house and gardens.