The kitchen-garden has been neglected; but it is now under a system of renovation by Mr. Saunders; who, judging from his acquirements and ideas, we have no doubt, will make it what it ought to be. There are several pineries, vineries, peach-houses, pits, and other conveniences; and a good gardener's house, though rather low and damp. Mr. Saunders has discovered an excellent loamy soil for pines in the sheep pastures; and also, in one of the fox-covers, a bed of yellow gravel, like that at Kensington, both of immense value in a part of the country where formerly neither had been found. The park is varied by single trees and small groups, transplanted, under the direction of Mr. Page of Southampton, by Mr. Wallace, a former gardener. Some of these trees are of great age and size; and one walnut, which has a trunk 18 in. in diameter, is supposed to be above a century old. They were not prepared in Sir Henry Steuart's manner, but were taken up with as great a length of ramose roots as could be done: they are all doing well. The plantations on the rising grounds were also made by Mr. Page; and their effect promises to be excellent. In one of these plantations, a tower, with a turret, has been built for the purpose of watching the progress of the late system of incendiarism, which has greatly intimidated most of the nobility and gentry of this part of the country. To the same cause (viz., the dread of the spread of incendiarism) is to be assigned the establishment of the steam-engine, the well, the reservoir, and the system of delivery-pipes round the house.