Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Middlesex, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Wilshire, Dorsetshire, Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent in the Summer of 1832
Stoke Farm flowers
Among the flowers, Wall's seedling georgina was pointed out to us as being the only variety of this splendid flower which is sweet-scented. Mr. Wall is a nurseryman at Uxbridge. The young ladies here amuse themselves by cutting off the decayed flowers, for containing which they have very neat deep baskets of wickerwork, painted green. No amusement can be more appropriate, or more effective in making the flower-garden look well; and we wish we could see the practice universal. Some ladies, however, who pretend to admire flowers, will suffer decayed roses, dead leaves, and seed pods to remain on plants under their drawing-room windows. We sincerely wish that we could infuse a greater taste for order and neatness into all such persons.