There are a number of gardens which approach to the above, some in point of high keeping, others in scenic beauty, and some in both united; but they have all something about them which prevents our giving them unqualified praise. Among the most beautiful, and at the same time highly enriched, places which we saw, after Redleaf, was Montreal, near Sevenoaks; but the house and kitchen-garden are unworthy of the pleasure-ground. Littlecot Park, near Hungerford, General Popham, is as highly kept as a place can be; and the house is faultless as a piece of beautiful antiquity in the highest preservation: but the pleasure-ground wants replanting with finer shrubs, of less coarse growth than those by which it is at present occupied. Dropmore, as far as it is completed, ranks among the very first places in point of order and keeping; but there is a great deal to do there and, besides, there is no kitchen-garden connected with the other scenery of the place.