Paulton's Park, Sloane Stanley, Esq. - Aug. 25. This place is chiefly remarkable for some fine old timber, chiefly oak; but partly, also, beech, elm, and silver firs and Scotch pines. Many very large silver firs were cut down during the late war, some of which sold as high as 80l. each. A few still remain, generally standing three together, in a triangle, at about 7 ft. or 8 ft. apart, centre from centre: they are now from 2.5 ft. to 3 ft. in diameter, at 1 ft. from the ground, and about 100 ft. high. They are still growing with considerable vigour, as are most of the other trees. There is a river here, formed by Brown; and at the head is a cast-iron sluice, of a new construction, by Bramah, calculated to prevent any waste of water. Wherever water is scarce, a sluice of this kind ought to be adopted. The kitchen-garden, under the management of Mr. White, we found in as good order as any which we have seen since we left London; but we cannot say much in favour of any other part of the grounds. The house appeared to us put down in a place without any "mark or likelihood;" and the road approaches it so as to show every part of the lawn before setting down at the entrance front The house, with all its accompaniments, is, indeed, beneath criticism. In passing from this place to Lyndhurst, we saw some of the experimental plantations of the Commissioners of Woods and Forests. It appears that the present plan is to cover the ground with rows of Scotch pines; and, after these are 5 ft. or 6 ft. in height, and their branches have nearly met, to introduce rows of oaks, 3 ft. high, between them. These oaks merely exist the first year; but, the second, they produce shoots from 3 ft. to 6 ft. in length, and very soon overtop the pines. The branches of the pines are then foreshortened, in Mr. Billington's manner, and in that of Mr. Blaikie. This is found, Mr. Page informs us, to be the most rapid mode of raising oak timber hitherto tried in this forest; and, as he has had a great deal to do with the planting and management of these enclosures for many years past, he has promised us some important information on the subject, which we shall have great pleasure in laying before our readers. (To be continued.)