The present proprietor of Park Place has built a very handsome boat-house on the river side, and has finished and furnished it interiorly with Elizabethan and Dutch fittings up and furniture: the whole is in consistent taste. Mrs. Maitland has also built a school, in which a number of children are gratuitously educated; a practice highly to be commended, so long as a national system of education is withheld. Mr. Maitland has also built two new lodges, and made a new approach. The lodges, as well as the boat-house, are by a local carpenter; and though the former want the boldness and freedom which indicate a master artist, they do credit to his taste. Their style is original, bordering on the Elizabethan, and they are, at the same time, perfectly consistent. The temporary fence along one of the approaches is formed of posts and one top rail, both being young larch fir trees with the bark and about 2 ft. of the branches left on: thus presenting a most formidable cheval-de-frise, which must be of considerable durability. On the public road side, a bank, between 20 ft. and 30 ft. high, which had been sloped to an angle of 45ᆭ, is now formed into a more acute angle, it being found that heavy rains wash down the new earth much less when a bank is very steep. The cause evidently is, that less rain falls upon it in the one case than in the other. Reduce the face of the bank to a perpendicular, if practicable, and no rain at all would fall on it.