North Stoneham Parsonage, the Rev. F. Beadon. - August 20. The situation is low and flat, and therefore not favourable for acclimatising plants; but, in other respects, the place may be compared with that of Mr. Garnier (which we saw the same day, and which is described at length in X. 124.), with a greater preponderance of herbaceous plants. Mr. Beadon was from home; but we were shown through the place by his very intelligent gardener, Mr. Harding. The first things we noticed were the magnolias; and a Rosa sanguinea, against the house, 27 ft. high, on its own root, and covered with roses from the ground to the roof. Against the conservatory wall, or wall for acclimatising plants, are many of those usually kept in greenhouses. Among the plants on this wall, we observed Chimonanthus fragrans, ripening seed; Alstr£meria hirtella, in flower, with shoots upwards of 6 ft. long; Thunbergia alata, in great luxuriance, sowing itself every year, a proof that it may be treated as an annual. Maurandya Barclayana here, as in some other places, is found to be perfectly hardy; and the same, we have no doubt, will be found to be the case with hundreds of other plants which have not yet been tried. Among the beds on the lawn may be noticed one of Rosa sanguinea, bordered by O'xalis floribunda; and one of Verbena chamï¾µdrifolia, mixed with Thunbergia alata. The collection of choice shrubs and ornamental trees is remarkable, considering the limited extent of the place; the secret of which is, that few common plants or duplicates are admitted. There is not a greater mistake, in planting pleasure-grounds, than the mixing of the common or indigenous shrubs of the country with foreign or improved species or varieties. It is as bad in a garden, as it would be, in the elevation of a house, to mix Grecian ornaments with Gothic ones. In the kitchen-garden are excellent crops of fruit on mud walls; a choice collection of apples; a strawberry stage, like that at Swallowfield Place (IX. 677.); ginger grown in a pit; and a system of wires stretched over the whole surface of the walls, communicating with a bell to set the dogs barking should any person intrude to steal the fruit.