This is one of the very few places which we have seen which come entirely up to our ideas of high order and keeping, even to the melon-ground and the back sheds. The walks in the flower-gardens are chiefly of turf, and the flower-beds are brimful of soil; so that the line carried round them, though distinct, is perfectly soft and delicate. The grass is smoothly mown; and the decayed flowers are pinched off daily by women. The general not only allows as many men and women to be employed as are necessary to keep the place in perfect order, but he pays the men 3s. a week more than is given in the neighbourhood, and allows half-wages during sickness. The gardener here, Mr. Groom, is the son of the gardener to Sir Charles Cockerell, at Seisincote, Gloucestershire: a place which we saw in 1806, when it was highly kept; and which, we are informed, still continues to be one of the best kept places in England. The readers of Sir Walter Scott's works will, no doubt, recollect the singular tradition which he mentions respecting Littlecot Park. The story is related at length in the Beauties of England and Wales; and the room in which the tragical scene took place is said to be still in existence. (To be continued.)