Langley Park, R. Hervey, Esq., is a flat place of great extent, with a number of fine old oaks and elms, a piece of water, and an appendage to the park, called the Black Park; the latter being wild and picturesque. Fifty years ago, when this place belonged to the Duke of Marlborough, it was kept in high order; but at present it is comparatively neglected. At that time there was a private road from the house to Windsor, through the duke's property, and the park at Ditton, near Datchet, belonging to Lord Montagu. In the kitchen-garden at Langley we observed some young fruit trees planted on hills raised 3 ft. above the surface. Mr. Stephens, the gardener, not being at home, we could not learn exactly the object in view; but we have little doubt it was the same as that of Mr. M'Donald, at the Dalkeith gardens, viz., to prevent the roots from getting so soon down to the subsoil, which always produces canker. The water in the park is good in regard to form and extent; but it wants a margin broken with gravel or stones, to relieve the monotonous effect produced by its close contact with the green turf. Two raised beds, bordered by basketwork, have been recently formed, in imitation of those in the flower-garden at Windsor Castle.