Humphrys's Nursery is on the Banbury road; and we are much mistaken if it will not be in time the first of the Oxford nurseries. Mr. Humphrys has only been here a year or two; and he has had every thing to contend with, the ground, before he got it, having been just enclosed from a common. He told us that he was one of the first who assisted in establishing the Clapton Nursery Library in 1826; and he was also the first who proposed the establishment of a garden library for the use of the Oxford gardeners, which has ended in a gardening and natural history society and library, extensively supported by the gentlemen of the colleges and of the surrounding country. Mr. Humphrys has already built a dwelling-house and some forcing-houses. He brought with him here an excellent collection of tulips, which he grows in a bed under an awning like that of Mr. Groom. He has also raised several seedling georginas of a superior description, and grows a number of the finer annual flowers for seed. For this last department of gardening, the soil of Mr. Humphrys's nursery is particularly suitable. Eschscholtzia, which scarcely ripens its seed at all about London, ripens it well here. Indeed, we have no doubt that the growing of flower-seeds might be carried to a very considerable extent in this neighbourhood, on account of the shallow calcareous soil and dry rocky subsoil. Mr. Humphrys's ground is admirably situated; and, as he appears a most industrious as well as most intelligent man, we have no doubt of his meeting with the success he deserves. His grounds were in good order and keeping.