Besides the shrubs above enumerated, we noticed Diospyros virginiana, Nyssa aquatica, Negundo fraxinifolia; Liquidambar, both species; Dirca palustris, 3 ft. high, with a stem 6 in. in diameter; Rubus nutkanus, which has the habit of the Virginian raspberry, and bears an eatable fruit, resembling the cloudberry in size and appearance; R. spectabilis, and several other species; all the new species of Berberis and Mahonia; a complete collection of named vacciniums; all the azaleas, both of the British and Continental nurseries, besides numerous new hybrids already mentioned, some of which were still in flower, while on others the capsules, impregnated with a view to new varieties, were nearly ready to gather; and a good collection of roses, standards, and dwarfs, among which was the Highclere seedling, one of the most beautiful of the tea-scented China roses and a free flowerer throughout the whole season: budded in May, these roses will flower in the August of the same year. The best stock for this and the other China roses is the R. Banksiï¾µ. Among the herbaceous plants, which were now in splendid beauty, producing most brilliant masses of colour in groups on the lawn, were, Lilium tigrinum and L. canadense, and Yucca glaucescens, which has the habit of Y. filamentosa, flowering yearly, but much more freely, with larger and more numerous blossoms, and more elegant foliage. This plant was first given to the nurseries from Highclere. Campanula lactiflora forms a fine lawn plant, either singly or in large masses; the lobelias, georginas, lupines, phloxes, potentillas, asters, gladioluses, petunias, mimuluses, and many of the new Californian plants introduced by Douglas, added to the beauty of the scene. It deserves particularly to be remarked, that the dark purple candytuft and Clarkia pulchella form the best masses when mixed with mignonette, and the same may be said of other showy but naked-stemmed annuals; and, farther, that all these flowers, and, in general, all the ornamental shrubs, are introduced in masses; sometimes, as in the case of the snowberry, of one species only; and in others, as in Rubus, Erica, Rhododendron, &c., of several species and varieties of the same genus. If the great woods of the place were to be planted over again, this principle would be more attended to, with regard to the forest trees; but it must be recollected, that, when these woods were planted, about the middle of the last century, and, indeed, not till near the end of it, there was not, in any nursery in the island, above a dozen kinds of forest trees to be procured, in quantities sufficient for making large plantations.