The range of hot-houses is 320 ft. long, rather narrow, according to Mr. Whale's idea: but he counteracts this by training his vines in a serpentine manner, and by letting the peach and nectarine trees run half wild. He has grown peaches weighing 8 oz.; and we saw a vanguard peach which measured 9.5 in. round. The pines are grown in pits, and the suckers are planted close to the edges of the pots. Georginas, after being planted out, are drawn through inverted sea kale pots, which appear as vases containing the plants: their use is to direct the water to the centre of the root, and to prevent the lower leaves from shading the mignonette or other plants with which the surface of the surrounding ground may be covered. There are nearly sixty varieties of apples in this garden, all finely grown. If we were to enter into the details of the conservatory, and the shrubbery immediately about the house, we might state many things exceedingly creditable to Mr. Whale; and especially to his skill in transplanting trees and shrubs. This he always does in puddle, and without any previous preparation; the secret consisting in taking up all the ramose roots, however deep or far they may extend. This, in fact, may be considered the great art of transplanting trees.