The kitchen-garden is large, and is surrounded by an excellent wall, with coping projecting about 6 in.; it is covered with admirably managed trees loaded with fruit. The entire garden seemed without a single weed or dead leaf. The whole of the walled flower-garden and pleasure-ground scenery was also in the most perfect order, with the exception of the sinking in of the surfaces of some of the flower beds and gravel walks, and the deep and harsh edges consequently produced. These defects will, of course, be remedied the ensuing winter. We have only to add, what we can never sufficiently commend; viz., that this place is at all times open to all the decently dressed inhabitants of Blandford, and to all other respectable persons. The grassy terraces, called the cliff walks, are scenes of extraordinary dignity and beauty. Besides the views of the river, the park, the country beyond the bridge, and the town of Blandford, they display in the foreground some fine specimens of exotic trees, and of yews, boxes, and hollies; the surface of the ground was in some places covered with vigorous plants of scolopendrium, and in others with beds of native violets and primroses. In spring the whole of the native woods of this place must afford a rich treat to the botanist, and lover of native flowers. The box, which here attains a large size, seeds itself, and young plants are rising up by thousands: the same will soon be the case with rhododendrons and azaleas. There are a spruce fir 11 ft. in circumference at 4 ft. from the ground, and about 70 ft. high; some very large and beautiful Oriental planes, purple beeches, acacias, cedars, arbor-vitï¾µs; and a very large catalpa, now covered with flowers, with a trunk 18 in. in diameter. Mr. Rogers has an excellent library, including both our Magazines from their commencement. We only wish that he would be a more frequent contributor to them.