The Beading Nursery, Mr. Myles Priest. - August 6. This nursery was established thirty years ago, by the late Mr. Connings, whose executors sold the stock and good-will to Mr. Priest. This gentleman was brought up to the profession of the law at Norwich, but being enthusiastically fond of gardening, he has relinquished the legal profession for the nursery business; and, having begun with a good capital and the greatest ardour, we have no doubt that he will, in a short time, render this one of the first of provincial nurseries. The extent, at present, appears to be nine or ten acres, most beautifully situated, on a bank gently sloping to the south, about a mile from the seed shop, which is in the marketplace of Reading. For some years past, this nursery had been neglected; but Mr. Priest is procuring all the new and beautiful hardy herbaceous plants, and trees and shrubs, and increasing them through the assistance of two excellent propagators from the nurseries of Colvill and of Lee. There are two or three small green-houses and pits, and more will be erected. Down the centre of the ground, there is a rustic arcade over a walk, planted with creepers, two of a sort, one opposite the other, which has a most beautiful effect as a whole; and when walked through, shows in detail the character of each creeper, so as to enable intending purchasers to make a choice from personal inspection. Borders are to be formed along the principal walks, to display the finest kinds of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, including standard roses; all for the same purpose, viz., that of enabling the public to choose for themselves. Our readers will recollect the notice of Mr. Priest's Schizanthus (p. 465.): we had an opportunity of seeing some of the flowers on the decaying plant, which has produced several seeds. There can be no doubt of its being a distinct variety. The drawing sent us was a very accurate representation. Mr. Priest has promised to send us a communication on a floricultural impostor who has visited him, and another on the subject of the fly in turnips.