White Hill is (for, I understand, the present proprietor is following the example of his father) one of the best kept places in England: for my part, I have seen none equal to it. In most places in the north of England, assistants and garden labourers have from four o'clock on the Saturday afternoon to themselves, as an equivalent for the half hour tney work over the ten hours during the week: at White Hill the regulation was, to drop work at five o'clock P.M. during the week, except on Saturdays, when the labourer left off at three. This regulation, so beneficial to the assistants, in place of increasing work, diminished it. Mr. Crossling, who is one of the best of masters, and who is universally respected, used to say, that men, if they employed their time well, might do as much work in nine hours and a half as in ten hours and a half, the usual period. There is one disinterested trait in his behaviour to his young men which I cannot let pass unnoticed, particularly as it regards a practice in all places of any magnitude in his neighbourhood: that is, never exacting any premiums from them, notwithstanding their wages, privileges, &c., are as good as any in their vicinity, and their opportunities of acquiring a knowledge of their profession a great deal superior; for never did a master pay more attention to instruct men, provided their conduct in worthy of it, than he does.