The first floral and horticultural society in Lancashire was established at Preston, though it has lately fallen off from want of encouragement. We were surprised to find so few villas in the suburbs of this thriving town; but a projected railway, which will connect it with Manchester and other towns, will infuse new vigour into its manufactures and commerce, and high gardening will then come into use. Mr. Taylor here is a very spirited nurseryman, and gets all the newest things; so that, whenever there is an adequate demand, the supply is ready. Till lately the taste for gardening has been dormant in the neighbourhood of Lancaster; but, since the establishment of flower and fruit shows, some ladies have begun to compete, and this circumstance has directed their attention to floriculture as a science. Carnations and auriculas are admirably grown by Conolly and Sons, and by other nurserymen; and our correspondent Mr. Saul, a man of strong and original intellect, and of great patriotism and disinterestedness, has turned his attention to the introduction of new fruits; and, for this purpose, has established his Pomological Garden, and entered into correspondence with the first nurseries in Britain and America.