It cannot have been otherwise than highly gratifying to us, to be every where informed, both by the gardeners and their employers, that the Gardener's Magazine (read by every gardener in the west of Scotland, and by many farmers, chiefly from the Dumfries and Ayr horticultural libraries, or from copies purchased and lent out by the local nurserymen) has contributed materially to spread a knowledge of horticulture, and to raise the character of gardeners; and we consider it as a proof of the sincerity of this avowal, that the gardeners and amateurs of gardening in Ayrshire no sooner heard of our arrival at Dumfries, than they sent to invite us to a public dinner at Ayr with which they honoured us; and this dinner had no sooner taken place than we received a similar honour from the gardeners and amateurs at Kilmarnock ((Sec Ayr Advertiser, August 25. 1831, and Kilmarnock Chronicle, August 30, 1831.).