Rules to be observed by all Persons working on these Premises, Masters and Men. I. For every tool or implement of any description not returned to the usual place at night, or returned to a wrong place not appointed for it, or returned or hung up in a dirty or unfit state for work, the forfeit is 3d. "II. For every heap of sweepings or rakings left at night uncleared, forfeit 3d. "III. Every person making use of bad language to any person on these premises shall forfeit, for each and every such offence, 6d. "IV. Every person found drunk on these premises shall forfeit one shilling; and, if he be in regular employment on the premises, he shall be suspended from his employment one day for every hour he loses through drunkenness. "V. Every person who shall knowingly conceal or screen any person offending shall be fined double the amount of the fine for the offence he so conceals, in addition to the fine of the offending party. "VI. All forfeits to be paid to the gardener, on or before the Saturday night following. If any person working regularly on the premises fail to conform to the above rules and regulations, the gardener shall be at liberty to stop his fines from his wages. Further, should any foreman or journeyman fail to comply with the above rules and regulations (with a knowledge of them), the gardener shall be at liberty to seize and sell his tools or part of them, to pay such fines, in one month from the time the offence was committed. "VII. All fines to be expended in a supper, yearly, to all the parties who have been fined." When these rules were first adopted, the fines were sufficient to afford an annual supper, with beer, &c.; but of late the amount has been so small, that Mr. Harrison has found it necessary to add to it to supply beer, &c., for the supper; a proof of the excellent working of the rules. Mr. Harrison remarks that these rules were established about eleven years ago, and that they have been most effective in preventing all slovenly practices; an advantage which he considers as thus purchased at a very cheap rate.