Before proceeding to describe the ground plans and views, we consider it useful to observe that the whole of the improvements at Redleaf, whether in altering the grounds, or in the construction of the buildings, were not only solely contrived by Mr. Wells, but all the working-drawings were made by him. The working-drawings, also, for some very picturesque cottages, and for a rustic conservatory, a rustic billiard-room, and various rustic seats, open and covered, were made by Mr. Wells, and have formed a source of amusement to him for many years, which was greatly heightened by the adaptation of the crooked branches and roots of trees to the architectural forms proposed. Recreations and amusements of this kind are, in our opinion, particularly suitable both for gentlemen and ladies who live on their country seats. We would have the ladies, like Lady Grenville, design all the garden structures, and the gentlemen study the improvement of the farm and other buildings necessary for the general business of the estate.