11, The following are the details of the farmyard, garden offices, and hot-houses, as exhibited in fig. 159.: - Rustic alcove, forming a recess under a thatched roof, which covers the space from the green-house, 3, to the houses or yards, 70, 71, and 72. This rustic alcove has the floor paved with small pebbles, and the sides and ceiling lined with young fir-wood, with the bark on. There is a disguised door on the right, which leads to 69, a house for grinding-mills and other machines; and on the left, which leads to 2, the ship-room. In the upper part of the central compartment, in a square recess fronting the entrance, is a white marble statue of the Indian god Gaudama, or Gaudmia. Three Elizabethan benches, each as long as one of the sides of the alcove, are placed so as to disguise the doors. The external appear ance of this alcove is shown fig. 160. Ship-room, paved with slate, and with the walls finished in stucco, and ceiling with beams painted like oak, to which are hung Indian spears, and other curiosities, and serving to con tain models of ships and vessels of various sorts during winter. These are placed on the pond in the summer season; square-rigged vessels at fixed anchorage, and the fore-and-aft-rigged ones, whose sails traverse, such as schooners, cutters, and coasting vessels, with cables of lengths to allow of their sailing without touching the edges of the pond; and these continue constantly traversing the pond when there is any wind. This room also contains a variety of the warlike instruments of the savages of different countries, a bust of Lord Nelson, one of the Duke of Wellington, some pictures in mosaic, and a number of East Indian curiosities. It serves, also, as a lobby to the orangery. 3, The orangery. The paths are of slate, and the centre bed, or pit, for the orange trees is covered with an open wooden grating, on which are placed the smaller pots; while the larger ones, and the boxes and tubs, are let down through openings made in the grating, as deep as it may be necessary for the proper effect of the heads of the trees. This house, and that for Orchidaceï¾µ, are heated from the boiler indicated at 61. 4, Orchidaceous and fern house, in which a is the stage for Orchidaceï¾µ, and b a cone of rockwork, chiefly of vitrified bricks, for ferns. These ferns, amounting to above two dozen species, all sprang up accidentally from the soil attached to some plants which were sent to Mr. Harrison from Rio Janeiro and other parts of South America. The shelves round the house are also occupied with Orchidaceï¾µ, all of which are in pots, in order that, when they come into flower, they may be removed to the green-house; as, when thus treated, as practised by the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth, they continue much longer in bloom, than when kept in the degree of heat necessary for their growth. 4 c, Lobby between the orangery (3) and the conservatory (5). 4 d, An aviary for canaries, separated from the conservatory and the lobby by a wire grating, and from the orchidaceous house by a wall. Both the aviary and the lobby have a glass roof in the same plane as that of the conservatory as may be seen in fig. 161. in p. 646. In the winter season, the temperature of the aviary being the same as that of the conservatory, the birds require little or no care, except giving them food; while they sing freely at that season, and greatly enliven this part of the garden scenery.