No. 14. FORTIS GREEN, MUSWELL HILL, THE VILLA OF W. A. NESFIELD, ESQ. "A happy rural seat, of various view." - Milton. MR. NESFIELD has long been well known as a landscape-painter of eminence, and as connected with the Society of Painters in Water-Colours. He has lately directed his attention to landscape-gardening, and that with so much success, that his opinion is now sought for by gentlemen of taste in every part of the country. His own villa at Finchley is in a singularly rural peaceful situation, rarely to be met with so near London: it is laid out with appropriate taste, and the grass field, forming part of it, is managed in such a manner as actually to be a source of profit. We were so much gratified with the appearance of this villa, and with Mr. Nesfield's sheep-farming, that we prevailed upon him to favour us with a plan and some sketches of the former, and with an account of his mode of managing the latter, which he has very kindly done, and we now lay these before our readers. [This article was prepared, and set up in type, for our Suburban Gardener, in the summer of 1838, but the engravings were not ready in time to admit of its publication in that work.]