No. 11. THE ROCK GARDEN OF THOMAS MILLIE, ESQ., IN ST. CLAIRTOWN, NEAR KlRKALDY, FlFESHIRE. [THE Rock Garden at St. Clairtown, a vertical profile, and two views of which have been kindly sent to us by the proprietor, Thomas Millie, Esq., shows what may be done in the way of garden scenery in a very confined space, surrounded by houses. We have not given a plan of any part of the grounds, except the Rock Garden, because the rest of what is necessary to constitute a comfortable suburban residence may be easily conceived; and, in this case, the kitchen-garden and fields are so completely detached from the rock garden as to be quite unconnected with them, as far as pictorial effect is concerned. The vertical profile (fig. 13.) shows a piece of water in the middle of ground which rises from it on every side towards the houses, the roofs of which are shown; and the area is intersected by walks, chiefly open to the day, but partly subterraneous, as indicated by dots in the plan. One walk crosses the piece of water on a bridge; and, judging from the plan without having seen the premises, the only fault we have to find with it is, that this bridge appears to cross the water in one of the wide parts, while a narrow part is close at hand, which it might have crossed with greater ease. This is not according to nature and reason; nevertheless, in the reality it may be excusable, and rendered inoffensive to the critical eye, by the rising up of rocks through the water, which may have served in part as piers to the arches of the bridge. We do not, therefore, say that the bridge crossing the lake at a wide part is a fault in reality, but merely that it is a fault in the appearance of the plan. The contrivance of the walks crossing one another is admirable; and we are informed, by a gentleman who has been in the garden, that the effect is even far beyond what might have been anticipated.