5. To indicate the occupation of the inhabitant, where it can be done. For example, the smithy, or blacksmith's forge, when properly introduced, can never be mistaken, nor the carpenter's shop. These two village tradesmen require houses, yards, and gardens, peculiarly arranged, and afford fine sources of variety. The shoemaker may have his stall as a projecting appendage, and the tailor his workshop. Some of the cottagers will possess cows, others pigs or rabbits; some pigeons, and all more or less poultry. The provision required to be made for these kinds of live stock affords interesting sources of architectural and picturesque effect; though in small villages a common cow-shed, as well as a common bakehouse, wash-house, and drying ground, is frequently found preferable. The house of the schoolmaster adjoining the village-school, and the house of the clergyman near the church, will always be principal objects; and shops for the sale of different articles speak by their windows. Every large village ought to have an open shed, or other public building, in a central situation, to serve as a kind of market or gossiping place, and also as a playground, or place of amusement, for the boys in rainy weather.