Clematis florida Sieboldii, planted in 1837, is 9 ft. high, and in another place has reached the top of the wall in a panel over low-growing shrubs. Like other climbers it does not spread much in width. In flower it is singularly ornamental. Clematis azurea grandiflora, planted in 1837, is 15.5 ft. high, and 2ft. wide. Splendid when in flower. Dilleniaceï¾µ. Hibbertia volubilis, planted in 1836, is 10 ft. high, and 2 ft. wide. Magnoliaceï¾µ. Magnolia grandiflora, planted in 1836, is 4.5 ft. high, and 3.5 ft. wide. Winteraceï¾µ. Illicium floridanum, planted in 1838, is 1 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Berberideï¾µ. Berberis ? sp., planted in 1838, is 3 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Polygaleï¾µ. Polygala grandiflora, planted in 1837, is 8.5 ft. high, and 7 ft. wide. Pittosporeï¾µ. Billardiera longiflora, planted in 1837, is 16 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Billardiera mutabilis has in the same period attained the height of 17 ft., and is 1 ft. wide. Sollya heterophylla, planted in 1837, is 4.5 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. Lineï¾µ. Linum trigynum, planted in 1838, is 1.5 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide. Malva ? sp., planted in 1840, is 8 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. Malva Creeana, planted in 1839, is 7.5 ft. high, and 5 ft. wide. Aurantiaceï¾µ. Various orange trees, planted in 1836, are from 3 ft. to 9 ft. high; and the standard have the lower part of the wall covered with Maurandya Berclayana and Tropï¾µolum peregrinum. Tropï¾µoleï¾µ£. Tropï¾µolum peregrinum grows to the top of the wall every season. Rutaceï¾µ. Corrï¾µa speciosa, planted in 1837, is 5.5 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide. Corrï¾µa alba, planted in 1840, is 3.5 ft. high, and 10 in. wide. Anacardiaceï¾µ. Schinus Molle. A very large plant of this fine evergreen has lately been killed to the ground, but is now springing up again. Leguminosï¾µ. Acacia lophantha, planted in 1837, is 7.5 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. Ac. melanoxylon, planted in 1837, is 16 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. Ac. decurrens, planted in 1837, has attained the height of the wall, and has been several times cut in. Ac. rutï¾µfolia, planted in 1840, is 3 ft. high, and 16 in. wide. Ac. vestita has just been planted. Brachysema undulata, planted in 1837, is 5 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide. Bossiï¾µ'a scolopendra, planted in 1840, is 18 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Callistachys lanceolata, planted in 1840, is 4 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Clianthus puniceus, planted in 1837, is 11 ft. high, and 10 ft. wide. A splendid specimen. Daviesia mimosoides, planted in 1840, is 2 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Dorycnium hirsutum, planted at the same time, is 6 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. Eutaxia myrtifolia, planted in 1837, is 5 ft. high, and 3.5 ft. wide. Edwardsia grandiflora, planted in 1837, is 2.5 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Ed. microphylla, planted in 1836, is 13 ft. high, and 3.5 ft. wide. Erythrina Crista-galli, planted in 1837, is 5 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide. Glycine bimaculata is a small plant. Kennedya nigricans, planted in 1837, is 15 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. Ken. rubicunda, planted at the same time, is 16 ft. and 1 ft. wide. Mimosa prostrata is mixed with other plants, and climbs to a considerable height. Swainsonia coronillï¾µfolia, planted in 1836, is 11 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. Wistaria Consequana, a magnificent vigorous-growing specimen, spreads to a great distance over the walls of some stable buildings, which joins with the conservative wall, and form its termination at the farther extremity from the house. Rosaceï¾µ. Cydonia japonica, planted in 1837, is 12 ft. high, and 6.5 ft. wide. Rosa moschata, planted in 1837, is 12 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. Rosa Banksiana, planted at the same time, is 15 ft. high, and 8.5 ft. wide, Photinia serrulata, planted in 1837, is 10 ft. high, and 6 ft. wide. Calycanthaceï¾µ. Chimonanthus fragrans, planted in 1838, is 6 ft. high, and 3.5 ft. wide. Granataceï¾µ. Punica Granatum, planted in 1837, is 5 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. Onagrariï¾µ. Fuchsia globosa, planted in 1837, is 15.5 ft. high, and 11 ft. wide. A magni-ficent specimen. F. globosa major, planted in 1837, is 12 ft. high, and 6 ft. wide. F. conica, planted in 1837, is 8 ft. high, and 5 ft. wide; another specimen, planted in 1836, is 12 ft. high, and 8.5 ft. wide. F. Thomsoni, planted in 1837, is 9 ft. high, and 6 ft. wide. F. microphylla, planted in 1837, is 16 ft. high, and 2 ft. wide; another specimen is 6 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. F. fulgens, planted in 1840, is 2.5 ft. high, and 5 ft. wide. Philadelpheï¾µ. Deutzia scabra, planted in 1839, is 5 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. Myrtaceï¾µ. Callistemon semperflorens, planted in 1837, is 15.5 ft. high, and 2.5 ft wide. Eucalyptus ? sp., planted in 1837, has attained the height of the wall, and is 16 ft. wide. E. globulus and E. resiniferus, planted in 1836, have, like the preceding species, far exceeded the height of the wall, and been cut in the two last years; three other species, the names of which are unknown, have attained the height of 5 ft., 6 ft., and 10 ft. Leptospermum grandiflorum, planted in 1837, is 6 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. L. trinerve, planted in 1837, is 7.5 ft. high. Melaleuca fulgens, planted in 1837, is 8 ft. high, and 7 ft. wide. Psidium Cattleyonum, planted in 1837, is 3 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide. Myrtus communis. Various plants from 3 ft. to 10 ft. high. Passifloreï¾µ. Passiflora cï¾µrulea has attained the height of the wall, and spread along it, forming a belt 6 ft. wide; another plant is 16 ft. high, and 22 ft. wide. Pas. Mayana runs along the wall at 5 ft. from the top, to the distance of 9 ft. on each side of the main stem, and the breadth covered is 5 ft. deep. Grossulariï¾µ. Ribes speciosum, planted in 1837, is 15 ft. high, and 2 ft. wide. Cornaceï¾µ. Benthamia fragifera, planted in 1836, is 10 ft. high, and 7.5 ft. wide. Escalloniï¾µ. Escallonia glandulosa, planted in 1839, is 3 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide. Esc. viscosa, planted in 1838, is 9.5 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. Caprifoliaceï¾µ. Caprifolium gratum, planted in 1837, is 8 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Cap. etruscum, planted at the same time, is 16 ft. high, and 2 ft. wide. Ericaceï¾µ Thibaudia setigera, planted in 1838, is 5.5 ft. high. Vaccinium Sprengelii, planted in 1838, is 2 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Oleineï¾µ. Ligustrum lucidum, planted in 1838, is 13 ft. high, and 3.5 ft. wide. Jasmineï¾µ. Jasminum umbellatum [?], planted in 1837, is 4.5 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. Jasminum undulatum, planted in 1840, is 5 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. J. grandiflorum, planted in 1837, is 4 ft. high, and 3 ft. wide. J. sp., planted in 1839, is 4.5 ft. high. Bignoniaceï¾µ. Bignonia spectabilis, planted in 1837, is 5.5 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. B. capreolata, planted at the same time, is 16 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. B. pteridifolia [?], planted in 1837, is 6 ft. high. B. jasminoides, planted in 1837, is 5 ft. high. Tecoma sp., planted in 1837, is 9.5 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. Calampelis scaber is planted in several places to fill up blanks. Cob£aceï¾µ. Cob£a scandens, planted in 1840, is 10 ft. high. Boragineï¾µ. Heliotropium peruvianum, planted in 1840, is 3 ft. high, and 3.5 ft. wide. Solaneï¾µ. Brugmansia sanguinea, planted in 1839, is 8.5 ft. high, and 8.5 ft. broad. Scrophulariaceï¾µ. Lophospermum scandens, planted in 1837, is 8.5 ft. high. Maurandya Barclayana is planted in several places to fill up blanks. Pentstemon gentianoides, planted in 1840, is 4.5 ft. high, and 3.5 ft. wide. Rhodochiton volubile is planted to fill up blanks. Calceolaria viscosissima, planted in 1836, is 5.5 ft. high, and 2 ft. wide. Labiatï¾µ. Salvia chamï¾µdrifolia, planted in 1840, is 2.5 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide. Verbenaceï¾µ. Lantana Sellowii, planted in 1839, is 2.5 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Plumbagineï¾µ. Plumbago capensis, planted in 1837, is 11 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide; another specimen, planted in 1836, is 10 ft. high, and 4 ft. wide. The fine &&& of the flowers of this plant produces a charming effect, contrasted win the yellow flowers of most of the Leguminosï¾µ. Proteaceï¾µ. Grevillea acanthifolia, planted in 1840, is 2.5 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Hakea florida, planted in 1840, is 2.5 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Hakea sp., planted in 1837, is 7 ft. high, and 2 ft. wide. Aristolochiaceï¾µ. Aristolochia glauca, planted in 1837, is 11 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. A. sipho, planted in 1837, is 16 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide; another specimen. planted in 1838, is 16 ft. high, and 1 ft. wide. Garryaceï¾µ. Garrya elliptica, planted in 1837, is 11 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide. Casuaraceï¾µ. Casuarina equisetifolia, planted in 1837, is 6 ft. high, and 2.5 ft. wide, C. tenuissima, planted in 1837, is 3.5 ft. high, and 6 ft. wide. C. stricta, planted in 1837, is 9 ft. high, and 6 ft. wide. Smilaceï¾µ. Ruscus androgynus, planted in 1837, is 3 ft. high, and 1.5 ft. wide. In the lawn at Chatsworth there is a want of artistical finish to the &&& works, and of an obvious connexion among them, and with the house. The long straight canal, for example, should be lined with masonary ornamented with piers, some of them crowned by sculptural objects, and connected in reality or in appearance, with the terrace walls of the house. The magnificent cascade of steps is admirable, so far as it goes, but its lower termination is poor. The cascade ought, perhaps, to be brought down nearer to the house, and the basin, in which it terminates, ought to be surrounded by a highly architectural margin. At all events, something ought to be done to take away from the scattered, disjointed, and in some cases meagre, appearance of these water-works, which, taken separately, are by far the grandest in Britain.