The surface of the ground at Hoole is flat, and the soil a rich loam. In the extreme distance, in one direction, are seen the Welsh mountains, in another, the Peckforton Hills and Beeston Castle. The general plan of that part of the ground which lies round the house is shown in fig. 63., to which the following letters refer: - a, The house, of which the elevation is given in fig. 64. b, A conservatory forming the front entrance, as shown on a larger scale in fig. 64.; and without the glass, in fig. 65. c, Camellia-house, of which a ground plan is shown in fig. 67., an elevation in fig. 66., and a plan of the roof in fig. 68. In the ground plan (fig. 67.), a is the entrance from the veranda; b, shelf for plants; c, stage for plants; d d d, veranda; and e, the drawingroom. d (in fig. 63.), Drawingroom window, which looks on the flower-garden. e, Geranium-house, of which a ground plan and elevation are shown in fig. 69. The communication between the geranium-house and the camellia-house is by the veranda d, in fig, 67. f, Flower-garden, the view of which, from the drawingroom window, is shown in fig. 70. g, The rockwork surrounding the flower-garden. h, Walk midway up the rockwork, but concealed from the eye below by the rocks between it and the flower-beds. i, Stable. j, Stable-yard. i, Kitchen-garden. l, Reserve garden. m, Grass field. n, Gardener's office and green-house. o, Under gardener's room. p, Back entrance to the stable-yard. q, Soil-yard. r r, Back shed and other conveniences. s, Coal-house. t, Ice-house. u, Pond. v, Bee-house. w w, Flower-baskets on the lawn. x, Road to Chester. y, Entrance gate to the approach road. z, Back approach. Back approach to the garden. Archway between the rock and the stables. Back entrance to the flower-garden. 4, Pavement under the veranda. 5, Back door to the rockwork and flower-garden. 6, Cow-house. 7 7, Coach houses. 8, Harness room. 9, Shrubbery. fig. 71. is a view of the highest part of the rockwork, from the centre of the flower-garden. The highest point is in the south-east angle, where it is 34 ft. above the level of the lawn. Fig. 72. is a view of the rockwork, the lawn, and the camellia-house, from the rock-walk in the north-east angle.