The spectator, standing at v, with his back to the mass, sees the house on two sides to the greatest advantage, as in fig. 32.; looking towards x, he sees a fine display of plants in pots and vases, backed by a dense wood, of which some idea may be obtained from fig. 33.; and, looking towards a, he has also a great variety of rich and interesting objects. Among the plants in the lawn, in front of v, are, Brugmansia suaveolens, Magnolia conspicua, ᆭbies Douglasii, Taxodium distichum nutans, and various others, which will be found in a list given below. w. Here are two baskets of pelargoniums, with elaborately worked handles, and between them a vase, supported on an elegant shaft, as seen in fig. 33., and filled with Verbena chamï¾µdrifolia. Between this vase and the walk are, a fine specimen of Magnolia conspicua, and one of Robinia Pseud-Acacia tortuosa. x, A bay, ornamented with a series of standard fuchsias, with some choice plants, and elegant vases in front of them. Among these plants are, Kalmia latifolia, Rhododendron arboreum hybridum, and a standard Rhododendron ponticum. A handsome vase is filled with Petunia ph£nicea.