The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: From London to Sheffield in the Spring of 1839

Midlands railroads

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Railroads. - We say nothing of the railroads going forward everywhere, or the magnificent bridges by which they cross, or are crossed by, the turnpike roads, because that would lead us out of our province. We cannot, however, help expressing our admiration at the science exhibited in these works, and especially in the bridges of the London and Birmingham railway, even as seen during a rapid transit beneath them. The stupendous cuttings in some places, the high embankments in others, the lofty bridges crossing the road every now and then, the tunnels in which ail is darkness, and the beautiful and extensive views from the embankments and viaducts, render this road, which hypothetically might be considered dull and monotonous, actually full of variety. We recommend the reader to consult an admirable article on the subjects treated of in this part of our tour in the Architectural Magazine, vol. v., entitled "Fragments connected with Architecture and the Arts, from a Provincial Tour. By H. N. Humphreys, Esq."