At Bagshot, among the extensive plantations of Scotch pine and birch, we found many distinct varieties of the latter tree; and here, at Mr. Donald's, and in the Milford Nursery, we had the most decided proofs that Betula populifolia H. K., B. excelsa H. K., B. nigra L., B. pendula Roth, B. pubescens Ehrh., and B. alba L., are all one and the same species. We are confirmed in this opinion by specimens received formerly and now from Mr. Grigor, collected from the seed beds of his nurseries at Elgin, and from the very extensive birch woods of Sluie, in the neighbourhood of Forres in Morayshire. At Bear Wood we found a number of transplanted oak trees dead of the drought; but in general the plantations looked better than those nearer London.