The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Cashiobury Park, Ashridge Park, Woburn Abbey, and Hatfield House, in October 1825

Hoopers Cottage

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Dr. Hooper's Cottage at Stanmore. - On Stanmore Hill great efforts have been making in the cottage Gothic style, by Dr. Hooper. The proprietor being from home, we did not enter the grounds; but we could observe the outline of the cottage picturesquely varied by enriched clusters of chimney tops, and the pointed roofs of projections and dormer windows. From what we could see of the exterior offices and garden walls, they seemed to be all finished in the same style, and in enrichments kept duly subordinate to the principal mass. We have since heard that the place, in the interior, is unique in its kind.