Oct. 17. Woburn to Hatfield. - Hatfield House, the residence of the Marquess of Salisbury, is in the Elizabethan style, and deservedly celebrated. The park is extensive, but not remarkably interesting; and the gardens afford little to gratify the amateur. There is an antique flower-garden, with walks arched over with clipped lime trees, which is separated from the house by a terrace-walk of turf. Beyond this garden is another, also devoted to flowers, and containing a range of hot-houses, for the culture of pine-apples and grapes. The kitchen-garden is in a different and distinct part of the grounds. The whole is very well kept; but there are no rare plants, either hardy or exotic; and there is but little evidence of such a love of gardening in the proprietor, as would be sufficient to stimulate and encourage his gardener. [The collection of plants here, we understand, has since been considerably increased. The park, according to the Return Paper sent us, contains a number of magnificent trees, especially oaks.]