OUR esteemed friend Mr. Britton, who is about to publish A Topographical and Descriptive Account of Cashiobury, having asked us if we could supply any information respecting the gardens, we are induced to print the present article, which was prepared exactly as it is in Nov., 1825; with the exception of the additions contained within brackets and the engravings. These additions are made entirely from the Return Paper filled up for us by the gardener at Cashiobury , Mr. Anderson. The whole is very far from being a correct idea of the gardens at Cashiobury ; but, not having time to revisit it at present, we consider it our duty to supply what we have to Mr, Britton, leaving him to choose any part of it, or reject the whole, as he may think proper. Mr. Britton's work, as will be seen by the literary notice of it, p. 263., will be unique in its kind; and it would afford us very great pleasure to be able to give any information worthy of insertion in such a work.