16, Narcissus minor, yellow; and Nemophila atomaria, and Nierembergia gracilis, both white. Anemone apennina, blue; Collinsia grandiflora, purple; and Verbena Sabinii, purple. Anemone nemorosa, white; Limnanthes Douglasa, white and yellow; and Verbena cham�drifolia, scarlet. 19, Erythronium lanceolatum, Leptosiphon androsacea, pinkish; and Verbena pulchella alba. Muscari botryoides, grape hyacinth, purple; Eutoca Menziesii, lilac; and Verbena cham�drifolia. Fritillaria lutea, yellow; Collomia lateritia, pinkish; and Nierembergia intermedia, purple. 22, Galanthus plicatus, plaited snowdrop; Saponaria ocymoides, pale pink; and Verbena radicans, pinkish. Hyacinthus amethystinus, Lasthenia glabrata, yellow; and Lobelia lutea. Bulbocodium vernum, whitish; Gilia tricolor alba, and Nierembergia calycina. 25, Anemone pavonia, scarlet; Verbena incisa, pinkish; and Eutoca Menziesii, lilac. 36, Anemone Pulsatilla and Campanula carpatica, blue. Primula vulgaris plena atropurpurea, and Anagallis grandiflora, scarlet. Primula vulgaria plena violacea, and Anagallis Phillipsii, blue. Collinsia bicolor, pinkish lilac and white; and Alonsoa linearis, scarlet. Achillea moschata, and Verbena pulchella alba, white. Iberis caraosa, and Verbena sulphurea. Lupinus nanus, blue; Fuchsia globosa and conica. 33, Gilia tricolor, and �nothera macrocarpa. 34, Nemophila atomaria, Petunia ph�nicea, and Verbena Tweediana. Nemophila insignis, and Verbena pulchella alba. Nierembergia gracilis. Lobelia lutea. Verbena Sabini. Verbena cham�drifolia. Verbena pulchella alba. Lobelia lutea, yellow. Lobelia gracilis, blue. Verbena cham�drifolia latifolia. 44 Is in two compartments; one of which is planted with Gilla achille�folia and Verbena Tweediana, and the other with hyacinths, Nemophila insignis, and �nothera macrocarpa. 45, Collinsia bicolor, and carnations. 46, Calceolaria picta, lightish. Anemone nemorosa plena, and Lysimachia Nummularia (moneywort), yellow. Heartsease. Anemone apennina, blue; and Vinca berbacea (periwinkle), lilac. Calceolaria integrifolia, yellow. Verbena pulchella. 52 Is in compartments; one of which is planted with Calceolaria rugosa, yellow; and the other with a variety of that species, both pegged down on the ground, in order to make the plants cover the whole space of the bed. �nothera macrocarpa. Nemophila insignis, and Verbena Tweediana. Isotoma axillaris. 56, Senecio elegans, purple. 57, Nierembergia gracilis. 58, Gilia tricolor, and Nierembergia calycina. 59, Lasthenia glabrata, and Verbena cham�drifolia. Gilia achille�folia, and Lotus microphylla. Crucianella stylosa, pinkish. Nemophila insignis, and Verbena cham�drifolia latifolia. Nemophila atomaria, and Verbena pulchella alba. Eutoca Menziesii, and Verbena radicans. Collomia coccinea, and Nierembergia filicaulis, whitish. White ten-week stocks, and Verbena Tweediana. Cheiranthus alpinus, and Eschscholtzia crocea, orange. Purple ten-week stocks, and Eutoca viscida, bright dark blue. Alyssum saxatile, yellow; and �nothera macrocarpa. Polemonium sibiricum, yellow; and Agath�a c�lestis, blue. Iberis saxatilis, white; and the Frogmore scarlet geraniums. Cheiranthus ochroleucus, and �nothera missouriensis. Scarlet ten-week stocks, and Phlox Drummondii. Verbena Drummondii, light lilac. Scarlet geraniums. Indian chief calceolaria. Petunia erubescens, whitish. Scarlet geraniums. Verbena venosa, purple. 80, Clarkia pulchella, purple; and Melittis grandiflora, whitish. Lupinus nootkatensis, blue; and Verbena sulphurea, yellow. Lysimachia verticillata, yellow. Delphinium grandiflorum, and carnations. Petunia superba, brilliant dark reddish purple, Purple calceolarias. 86, Calceolaria integrifolia. Petunia nyctaginiflora, white. Calceolarias of sorts. Lupinus polyphyllus, and Stenactis speciosa, bluish. Lupinus polyphyllus, blue; and Malope grandiflora, dark crimson. �nothera speciosa, white. Geum coccineum, and Linaria dalmatica, yellow. Antirrhinum pictum, crimson and white. Mimulus cardinalis, and Coreopsis tinctoria. Gilia capitata alba. 96, Lysimachia quadriflora, yellow. Lupinus polyphyllus albus, and �nothera speciosa. Chelone barbata, and Salvia fulgens, scarlet. Asclepias tuberosa, orange. 100, Borders for plants of sorts. In the compartments nest the beds are sweet peas, larkspurs, candytuft, dahlias, China pink, stocks, &c.