Tenon Gardens. - Under this denomination we include the gardens and grounds attached to houses in streets, and also the gardens belonging to persons living in towns, but which are detached from their houses; the latter being gardens of culture only. Of gardens and grounds attached to street houses, it gives us much pleasure to state that we found some entirely to our satisfaction. The richest and most elaborate of these was that of Mr. Edwin Bullock of West Bromwich; the next, those of Mr. Howe, and Mr. Herbert of Coventry; and the next after these, that of Dr. Loudon at Leamington. To these we may add the late Mr. Brookhouse's garden at Warwick, and the garden and grounds of Miss Parsons at Dudley. By the gardener at this last place we were informed that pines grow remarkably well in the immediate neighbourhood of works producing immense quantities of coal smoke. The pines not only grow well, he says, in such situations, but the very considerable quantity of soot which is continually falling on them, and which slides down into the axils of the leaves, effectually prevents the growth of the mealy bug, or, indeed, of any other insect. The health of his plants, and their entire freedom from insects, notwithstanding the sooty appearance of the lower parts of their leaves, seem to corroborate his opinion. The fruit grown, we can assert, is equal in flavour to any we have ever tasted. If this opinion should be confirmed by experience in other places, every innkeeper and confectioner, as well in London as in the country, may grow his own pine-apples on the top of his own house, heating a cistern of water, placed under them, by the smoke of the chimneys. The garden of Mr. Bullock contains a number of the most choice hardy, green-house, and stove plants, besides select collections of florists' flowers. The two Coventry gardens are perfection's self, in regard to order and high keeping.