Other evils in Manchester are the over heat and bad ventilation of the working rooms. We have pointed out to a humane and rational manufacturer how easily the temperature might be regulated to within the quarter of a degree by the use of Kewley's thermometer; and every one who has seen the application of Sylvester's mode of circulating air in buildings, knows how easy it would be to have a continual supply of fresh air, warmed to the proper degree. The tunnels for depositing the soot might be made subservient to this mode of ventilation, by having cast-iron tunnels within them, by which in winter the entering air would be heated from the cooling smoke. In a word, the more we think on the subject of getting rid of the soot and perfecting ventilation, the more easy does it appear to us. The additional comfort to the inhabitants, not of Manchester only, but of most towns in Lancashire, and the increased health of the work people, and this, too, for ages to come, are surely important objects. The unhappy circumstance of the work people being obliged to labour so many hours a day, and the almost utter neglect of the education of their children, are deplorable evils, which can only be met by improved legislation, especially as to schools, and by combination founded in justice.