Instead of forbidding all access to the poor, in some places, I have observed it is customary, one day in the month, or oftener, if necessary, particularly after any storm of wind, to admit into the woods, but under the eye of the keeper, all persons belonging to the parish, to pick up dead wood for firing; and, in these places, no wood is stolen, and no trees are lopped and disfigured. With respect to the game, which is everywhere, and particularly in Norfolk, the perpetual source of suspicion and temptation, I foresee, that at Sherringham it will be one source of conferring happiness; for there is a great difference betwixt shooting and coursing: one is a selfish, the other a social, enjoyment. The villagers will occasionally partake in the sport, like those where the games of cricket or prison-bars are celebrated; thus promoting a mutual endearment betwixt the landlord, the tenant, and the labourer, which is kept up with little expense, securing the reciprocity of assistance of each to the other, by a happy medium betwixt licentious equality and oppressive tyranny.