This eager pursuit of gain has, of late, extended from the new proprietor, whose habits have been connected with trade, to the ancient hereditary gentleman, who, condescending to become his own tenant, grazier, and butcher, can have little occasion for the landscape gardener: he gives up beauty for gain, and prospect for the produce of his acres. This is the only improvement to which the thirst for riches aspires; and, while I witness, too often, the alienation of ancient family estates, from waste and extravagance, I frequently see the same effect produced by cupidity and mistaken notions of sordid improvement, rather than enjoyment of property. But, to whatever cause it may be attributed, the change of property into new hands, was never before so frequent; and it is a painful circumstance to the professional improver, to see his favourite plans nipped in the bud, which he fondly hoped would ripen to perfection, and extend their benefits to those friends by whom he is consulted.