IT often happens that a piece of water, whether natural or artificial, forms the boundary of a pleasure-ground near a house, and makes an obvious line of separation betwixt the dressed or mown lawn and the park, or ground fed by cattle. But water is not a sufficient fence on all occasions; for, unless very deep, they will wade through it, and, however deep, deer will swim across. In some cases, as at Woburn and Long-leate, a wall has been built of sufficient depth below the water-surface, to prevent animals from making good their landing: but in the winter this is no fence; and, while the ice remains, they must be either kept out by a temporary line of hurdles, or driven away into a different part of the park; otherwise, in one fatal night, a herd of deer, or a drove of bullocks, will destroy the produce of years in a shrubbery, pleasure-ground, or flower-garden.