The same observation respecting the archway, may also serve for the gatehouse; that is, a covered way, with a room over it (which room, in monastic buildings, was called the scriptorium). These gatehouses are more appropriate to the court-yards of the mansions, as at Knowle, Penshurst, Hampton-Court, &c., than as entrances to a park. In general, they had large massive close folding-doors, and, sometimes, a small door, or postern, inserted in one of the folds for foot-passengers; and, sometimes, a single door-way separated from the carriage-way, as in the gates of cathedrals, monasteries, colleges, &c. But, with these the modern spruce iron gates will be deemed out of character by all those who have made the antiquities of the country their study, or who consider unity and congruity of design amongst the first principles of good taste. By J. A. R.