If a kitchen-garden consists of such unsightly crops as we see in a common gardener's ground, there will be little inducement to make it one of the visible appendages of a place; but it may be so arranged as to be highly ornamental; and, from its sheltering walls, it may always be considered as a winter garden, when an occasional gleam of sunshine will invite even the invalid to brave the rigours of the season. This naturally leads me to observe, how many joys, and comforts, and luxuries may be preserved, beyond that period of life when youth and health require no special indulgences; Having so long dedicated the active part of my professional career to increasing the enjoyment of rural scenery for others, my own infirmities have lately taught me how the solace of garden scenery and garden delights may be extended a little further, when the power of walking fails, and when it is no longer possible for decrepid age to reach the ground to gather fruits, or to pluck, and smell, and admire those humble flowers which grow near the earth.