This same sort of raised bed may be used for various purposes, and particularly in a flower-garden, where its form may be irregular, oval, triangular, octagon, or any other shape, to raise such diminutive flowers as cannot be seen without being brought nearer to the eye. The ledges, or shelves, may be receptacles for ornamental vases, or Maltese flower-pots; and the lower wall may be covered with jessamine, periwinkle, or such plants as require a little support; while the upper parts may contain fossils, with rock plants growing amongst the stones, and falling in festoons over them. The vignette [fig. 234] only describes a bed of strawberries. Near the end of the bed, a hint is given ortra in ing gooseberries, currants, &c. to a certain height, to bear their fruit out of the reach of children, and at a more convenient height for full-grown persons. In the gardens of Holland, where such fruits are raised in great perfection, every bush, as well as every espalier, is trained by hoops, so as to assume the form of cups, or basins, to admit the sun and air into the interior, and ripen the fruit. Such attention gives great neatness to a garden, which ought always to appear trim and artificial.