The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xxiv. Longleate, Wiltshire, A Seat Of The Marquis Of Bath.

Longleat, Wiltshire

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EXTRACT FROM THE REPORT OF 1803. CHARACTER AND SITUATION. WHETHER we consider the natural shape of the ground, forming ample hills and valleys, the great masses of wood with which these hills have been magnificently clothed, the extensive range of park and surrounding domain, the vast command of various distant prospects, or the great style and magnitude of the house itself, we must acknowledge that the character of greatness makes a strong impression, and is peculiarly appropriated to Longleate. But as objects are only great or small by comparison, and it is the duty of the improver to guard against anything that may tend to weaken this first impression, he must, if possible, increase the apparent vastness of the place in all that belongs to nature, and preserve the character of greatness in such parts as depend on the works of art.